Friday 13 February 2015


I try not to be in the habit of posting items I have previously written or repeat subjects if possible but so many of you have written to me asking questions about meditation and how to calm down their "busy minds" that I am going to address this issue again. Minds that are so busy people say they can't sleep and it is ruining their lives.  This is pretty serious - how did things get so bad?

I must admit I have been deeply surprised by the reaction my meditation posts have created. I knew that today's stresses and strains had brought enormous pressures to so many of us in todays fast moving, technologically driven world - where people seem to be glued to their mobile telephones and almost frightened to put them down.
I can't count the number of times friends and people I meet say "I feel so stressed" or "I can't seem to find any peace" or "My mind is so full of thoughts - its too busy" - or some variant on this. many people have told me that they cannot watch the news on television anymore because it depresses them too much - People have money worries; family concerns; business problems; the car has broken down: etc , etc - but also what about those families caught in the horrors of war and famine - we often see the world today as a cauldron of concerns and intense anger and YET....there is peace to be found from within you - how? Why because its been there all the time.
Ultimately everything is about our own MIND. The more we assess MIND - the more we begin to realise that your thoughts are what and whom you are - they dominate your life - every living moment is made up of thoughts one after another like a machine gun spitting out bullets from the ether. We cogitate, contemplate, ruminate, mull, muse, reflect, appraise, assess, judge, theorise, ponder, meditate, reason, debate, deliberate, opine, scrutinise, aspire, dream and always act upon our thoughts'.

Until we start the process of teaching ourselves and our children everywhere that positive, loving, kind thoughts and actions are so important to our/their lives nothing will improve - Why is someone grumpy and angry? Why is someone acting in such an unpleasant way? Why do I get so angry so quickly? All of these actions and thoughts relate to our own MIND - learn to think kind thoughts as much as possible and your life will change dramatically and with it the world around you. The way to achieve this is by MEDITATION

LOVE, KINDNESS, CARING, CONSIDERATION, COMPASSION, HEALING are the only things that matter - then all the busy busy minds will begin to quieten and the misery and hate of this world will slowly but surely disperse. BIG WORDS BUT HOW DO I ACHIEVE ALL OF THIS - THIS ELUSIVE PEACE OF MIND?

Mindful Meditation is the process of quietening the mind and giving your mind a rest from the barrage of thoughts it is consumed with day in and day out (throw in the nights as well) - but not only that - it also begins the process of helping you to achieve HAPPINESS.
Meditation allows us to re-charge and re-direct our thoughts into the incredible path of peace and love. But how to meditate: There are so many ways to meditate - however, let us begin with the basic and most simple way. Sit in a chair or you can do this as you lie in bed. 

It may help to begin by closing your eyes - your eyes don't have to be closed - you can keep them open and look at an object or maybe a candle flame  - just sit or lie peacefully and comfortably whatever works for you.

To begin with lets concentrate on your breathing - its the most important thing you have - if you stop breathing you die!!! Think of your breathing - the essence of life itself - in your mind think or even whisper - "I breathe in - I breathe out" You will find your mind becomes quiet - yes of course thoughts will arise - but most important of all - do not follow them - always come back to the breathing - I breathe in - I breathe out - give your poor old mind a rest - no thoughts just the breathing - again thoughts will come and go but don't follow them - always come back to the breath. 

Your breathing will become quieter and more gentle - your mind will slowly become at peace and you will realise how important this process is. 

Its not as easy as it sounds. Try this for three minutes each morning or at night when you go to bed and then make it a bit longer to five minutes and then to ten. You will begin to look forward to your meditation sessions because it will bring you great peace and happiness. A mind that is becoming peaceful is just the beginning.

You will learn to wake up each morning and say to yourself "I pray that all people and creatures in the world today will find HAPPINESS and that they may find and enjoy the root of happiness - love, caring, consideration and compassion. And that all people will be free from SUFFERING and free from the root of suffering - hatred, greed, ignorance, jealousy, anger, fear and overt desire. Its such a lovely thought to begin the day with.

In this positive state of mind each day you will begin to bring happiness to everyone around you - even if you are feeling under the weather yourself. Your every thought will begin to reflect the compassion and care you feel not just about those of your family and friends but everyone you meet. Yes, you'll still want to shout at an inconsiderate or dangerous driver or get angry at the client who is snappy with you, but you will also understand that everyone suffers - everyone at some time in their life has pain and illness, they lose parents, friends and children - everyone SUFFERS - and when you realise this your compassion will grow and grow. We are all the same - we all suffer and we all want to be happy - is this so difficult to understand? We should never hurt anyone or any living creature - I don't care what religion or belief you have - but surely above all else you can see that we must not and cannot hurt anyone or anything - its the same as hurting ourselves.

Meditation is realising that everything is impermanent - every thought has a beginning, a middle and and end - this means that every moment of your life is precious - you must learn to cherish each minute and to use every moment to think positive, compassionate thoughts - believe me you will learn to sleep peacefully and easily.

Try meditating tonight when you lie down to sleep - bring your mind some peace that it badly craves for - say to yourself "I am doing this to bring love and happiness to my family, my friends, myself and this wonderful world we live in" - I breathe in - I breathe out - let all your thoughts drift away - don't follow them - your mind will gradually become peaceful and you will realise how important each moment of your life is even as you go to sleep in peace and love.


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